09: Expectation


Derek Sollberger


February 6, 2023

Example: Demographics

Suppose that all of the students in Math 32 are between ages 19 and 21 inclusively with the following distribution:

  • Age 19: 35%
  • Age 20: 45%
  • Age 21: 20%

Rewrite the data as a discrete mass function.

Discrete Probability Distributions


A discrete probability distribution is a population where we can list the possible values

\[X = \{ x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, ... x_{n} \}\]

and measure the respective probabilities

\[P(X = x_{1}), P(X = x_{2}), P(X = x_{3}), ..., P(X = x_{n})\]


As usual, the probabilities rules include that each probability is between zero and one inclusively

\[0 \leq P(X = x_{i}) \leq 1\]

and that all probabilities add up to 100 percent

\[\displaystyle\sum_{x \in X} P(X = x) = 1\]



For a random variable \(X\) (understood through a discrete probability distribution), its expected value is \[\mu = \text{E}[{\color{blue}X}] = \displaystyle\sum_{x \in X} {\color{blue}x} \cdot {\color{red}P(X = x)}\]

Compute the expected value of the roll of one six-sided die.



The variance of a random variable \(X\) is defined as the expected squared deviation from the mean

\[\text{Var}(X) = \text{E}[(X - \text{E}[X])^{2}]\]


The above theoretical formula is built from first principles and is good for building the math foundation. However, the following practical formula is better for hand calculations and computer calculations.


\[\text{Var}(X) = \text{E}[X^{2}] - \left(\text{E}[X]\right)^{2}\]

Example: Boxing Bets

Before watching a boxing match, my friends and I made bets over which round the fight would end. A boxing match lasts up to 12 rounds. Each gambler pays $5 and is assigned a round randomly. The winner garners the whole pot of money. What is the expected value of the bet? What is the variance of the bet?

Looking Ahead

  • due Fri., Feb. 10:
    • WHW4
    • JHW2
    • Demographics Part 1 (survey)
  • Be mindful of before-lecture quizzes

No lecture session for Math 32:

  • Feb 20, Mar 10, Mar 24

Exam 1 will be on Wed., Mar. 1

  • more information in weekly announcements